Industrial Services:
Majan Modern Integrated Solutions LLC, consisting of experienced managers recording 15-year experience in the field of refining and petrochemical industries and steel, cement, copper, etc. factories.
It is worth mentioning that several projects in the mentioned fields were successfully carried out in the shortest implementation time at the international level.
The company has been established primarily to serve Oman and secondly to export products and services to different countries.
Discharging and Charging Catalysts Of All Reactors Types Such As Tubular Reactors, Fix Bed, etc. by Fully Specialized And Mechanized Equipment
Cleaning all kinds of industrial covered and roofless ducts using fully mechanized equipment
Mechanized and Industrial Cleaning Services to Steel, Cement, Copper and Aluminum Plants
محتوای زبانه
The Specialized Industrial Services
Holding the view of the country's independence from foreign companies in providing services, job creation for domestic man power and compliance with environmental principles, the company has taken an effective step in providing specialized services by mechanized equipment.
Among the services that can be provided by this company to various refining, steel, copper, mines, municipalities, cement and other industries, the following can be mentioned:
Providing specialized catalyst handling services and discharging all types of tanks and ponds

The company Majan Modern Integrated Solutions LLC consisting of experienced managers with 15 years of experience in the field of refineries and petrochemical industries and factories of steel, cement, copper, etc. were active